JAN 23 2014

First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

Banking, Capitalism, Financial Services, Hedging, Infrastructure, United States, Wall Street

Wall Street investors in need of a replacement for the former cash cow of mortgage-backed securities (pre-bailout, that is) only had to look as far as a massive, bargain basement-priced stock of used houses obtained through bankruptcy sales coupled with a corresponding, unparalleled increase in prospective renters (aka former homeowners with few options for housing…

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JAN 06 2014

Cyprus and the Financial Crisis

Banking, Cyprus

A huge part of Cyprus’ financial troubles (in addition to the Greek “hair-cut”) was the Evangelos Florakis Naval Base explosion (a disaster whose cost was about 10% of the country’s GDP in 2011). The containers that exploded were there at the behest of the US (and UN). Given the facts, the EU (and the Troika)…

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