OCT 30 2008

Progressive Education


According to the April 2002 report, “High School Graduation Rates in the United States,” the U.S. high school graduation rate for the class of 1998 was 71%. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported a national high school completion rate of 86% (graduations plus GED completions) for the class of 1998. Current Population Survey…

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OCT 07 2008

The Bradley Effect and Obama


Current McCain-Obama polls are increasingly widening in favor of Obama. An infrequently discussed topic concerning this polling is the contention that a potentially significant portion of those potential voters who say they’ll vote for Obama won’t. An important (unanswered) question is, “How large is this effect?” A potential method for measuring this “Bradley effect” (also…

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OCT 01 2008

The Bailout of 2008


The bailout is not a one-shot solution. It is a palliative regulatory attempt that is necessarily hasty in order to prevent or, at least, curtail a contagion of gambler’s ruin that could potentially cascade through all sectors of the world economy rather than a definitive cure.

SEP 30 2008

Puplit Freedom Sunday


Sunday was “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” an event that was part of an Alliance Defense Fund project (See “Two O.C. pastors challenge IRS rules from the pulpit,” September 29, 2008, Los Angeles Times online). Participating clergy across the U.S., including at least one in Orange County, openly preached in support or opposition to candidates for political…

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SEP 29 2008

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008


Albeit, this bailout plan is imperfect. Any Congressional incumbent that voted against it, however, is at peril of not being re-elected. Congress needs to read and listen. Remember the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. A broader world view is needed to have the foresight to pass this legislation.

SEP 28 2008

Hyperinflation? No


This is the Zimbabwean $100 billion note as of July 19, 2008 ( source www.tomchao.com ). At that time, its value was about U.S. $1. It’s a symbol of the printing of fiat currency gone mad. Even with the bailout, the U.S. is nowhere near such madness, but significantly increasing the money supply will fuel…

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SEP 26 2008

Banking Crisis of 2008


The federal government is proposing to buttress the commercial and investment banking sectors with $700 billion in loans. Mr. Bernanke, a scholar of the Great Depression of 1929, and his colleagues seek to prevent a recurrence of that most disastrous economic event of the 20th century. Combined with prior bail-outs, the total bill for their…

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SEP 02 2008

Self Insuring Life Insurance


Someone asked, “Can I self insure the group life insurance for my small (400 employees) employer?” I answered, “See private letter ruling 199921036 (Its url is www.irs.treas.gov/pub/irs-wd/9921036.pdf . ) A self insured death benefit is life insurance for federal tax purposes. Given your current number of lives insured, however, it makes little sense to self…

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SEP 02 2008

Self Insuring Health Insurance


Someone asked, “My organization [a local government] with about 700 employees is currently fully insured for health insurance. Do we have self insurance options?” I answered, “The dilemma for local governments is how to maintain a competitive health package. Clearly, the place to start for refining an effective health plan is an analysis of employee…

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SEP 02 2008

Sidewalks and Routes to School


The pros of sidewalks generally dominate the cons. PROS1) Sidewalks can enhance safety. Pedestrian safety, especially for children walking to school, is vital. Increasing sidewalk networks in areas where people live, learn, work, and play helps keep children and families safe.2) Sidewalks can help reduce vehicle emissions by promoting a substitute for driving and helping…

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